RMNnovoLow Filed NMR Spectrometer NMReady-60PRO Nanalysis


With recent advances in miniaturization of magnetic resonance technology, low field "bench" NMR instruments that do not require cryogenics have enabled wider use of this technique. These miniaturized spectrometers have been used in areas ranging from food and agricultural analysis to biofluid testing and disease monitoring. At the academy, low-field NMR applications also include the areas of material science, forensics, continuous flow processes, mechanistic studies and reaction monitoring, metabolomic analysis, electrochemical reactions, etc.

The  equipment NMReady-60PRO was acquired by FAPESP (grant 2014/50249-8) and is used in all research projects at the CERSusChem, in addition to being available to other researchers from academia and industry as a multi-user equipment.

NMReady-60PRO characteristics: 60 MHz NMR (1.4 T), standard 5mm NMR tubes, less than 1.0 Hz (20 ppb) @ FWHM, dual mode (1H/19F), standard modifiable experiments (e.g., 1D, 1D{1H}, T1, T2, COSY, JRES, HSQC), Pulse Program Control


Management and sharing in the use of the multi-user equipment

1. The management committee, responsible for setting the access policy to the equipment and its model of management, is comprised by Profs. Drs. Arlene G. Corrêa, Marcio W. Paixão and Marco A. B. Ferreira.

2. The user’s committee, in charge of following and assessing the operation and suitability of the use policies of the equipment and its model of management, is comprised by Profs. Drs. Antonio Gilberto Ferreira, Kleber T. de Oliveira and Tiago Venâncio.

3. Use of the equipment:

The user does not have access to the equipment, only to the services that it provides. When the solicited service involves analytical development or result interpretation, the conditions and time for the analysis will be described in the closing hiring stage of the service.

The user must schedule the use of the NMR equipment in a proper form, available for download in the EMU site. The committee will assess the use schedule of the equipment and will inform the solicitor on the foreseen date for the analysis. The weekly schedule is build considering the use of the equipment for three days to users at the Department of Chemistry at UFSCar, one day to users from other departments at UFSCar and one day to users from other universities or companies.

 Click here to download the form.