Regulatory Framework of Brazilian Biodiversity Workshop held on 2/12/2016 at UFSCar

With an area of expertise in applied fine chemicals the CERSusChem, no doubt, incorporates the primary motto of the law: innovation through the sustainable use of biodiversity. Thus, the workshop addressed perspectives and impacts of biodiversity Law, and the academic and industrial experiences in the theme. With a diverse public, the workshop was open to all members of the Centre and to the whole community of UFSCar. The diversity of questions and worry by the long-awaited electronic CGen registration system were the most discussed points with guests:

Mr. Thiago Zeidan Araújo,  

Environmental Analyst, Brazilian Bureau of Environment


Profa. Dr. Heloisa Oak Sanchala de Araújo,

Department of Physiological Sciences and Health, UFSCar,


Profa. Dr.  Monica Pulpo,

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto – USP


Mr. Luiz Ricardo Marinello,
