PhD and Post-doctoral fellowships from FAPESP

PhD and postdoctoral scholarships from FAPESP are available in thematic project “Sustainable synthetic methods employing catalysis, benign solvents, safer reagents, and bio-renewable feedstock”, conducted within the Center of Excellence for Research in Sustainable Chemistry (CERSusChem), headquartered at the Department of Chemistry (DQ) at UFSCar. The area of ​​expertise is in Organic Synthesis.

For the PhD scholarship, the candidate must have concluded or be completing a graduation in Chemistry or related areas, in addition to meeting Fapesp's academic criteria. Interest or previous experience in Organic Synthesis is a plus. English language experience and ability to work in interdisciplinary teams are also desired. Entries will be received exclusively by e-mail, with documentation attached in pdf format (complete school transcript and brief CV) and sent to Professor Arlene G. Corrêa, from DQ, until August 31st. More information in this link.

For the postdoctoral scholarship, candidates of Brazilian or foreign nationality, highly qualified and with experience in Organic Synthesis, can apply. The requirements are: to have a doctor's degree obtained a maximum of seven years ago, in the country or abroad, and proven experience in the development of reactions involving asymmetric catalysis. English language experience and ability to work in interdisciplinary teams are also desired. Interested parties should send documentation (short CV including published works attesting to the ability to carry out the project) attached in pdf format and sent to the care of Professor Arlene G. Corrêa, to, until August 15th. Further information in this link.