FAPESP Post-doctoral fellowship

The CERSusChem has an opportunity for a post-doctoral fellowship in a project that integrates the development of new strategies for ligands screening in natural products with chromatography separation and on-flow ligands characterization. In this context, candidates must have experience in multidimensional chromatography (LCxLC and LC-LC) and the coupling to a high-resolution mass spectrometer (LC-HRMS), enzyme immobilization and kinetics studies. On-flow structural characterization of natural products will be considered as a plus.

The project will be developed at SEPARARE - Núcleo de Pesquisa em Cromatografia, located in Chemistry Department, Federal University of São Carlos, in accordance with the approved FAPESP project 2014/50249-8.

The selected candidate should carry out the experiments in an independent manner, be motivated, interact well with the group students and collaborate on the activities of the laboratory. It should have English language domain and be able to produce written reports and scientific papers. The fellowship is of 12 months with a possibility of a 12 months extension.

The candidates should send an email to cersuschem@ufscar.br until 07/04/2017, with the following documents:
a) a letter explaining and justifying her/his reasons for applying to this fellowship;
b) curriculum vitae or link to the CV Lattes.

This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationalities. The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP's Post-Doctoral fellowship in the amount of R$ 6.819,30 monthly and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 15% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent in items directly related to the research activity.

More information about the fellowship is at: www.fapesp.br/en/5427.